【同义词辨析】 2020-09-07 沉重heavy-cumbersome

heavy: implies that something has greater density or thickness or sometimes power than the average of its kind or class: a ~ child for his age.       dense浓密 thick 1、厚,这里引申为体积大 2、浓密=dense,两词的解释在2020-09-01 稠密close-thick

weighty: suggests actual as well as relative heaviness: really ~ parcels are shipped by freight: or implies a momentous or highly important character: pondered ~ matters late into the night.   a weighty volume/tome大部头书   momentous明显地important,两词同义

ponderous: implies having great weight because of size and massiveness with resulting great inertia and clumsiness: ~ galleons were outmaneuvered by smaller vessels.   mass重量、物理学中表质量,massive重量大的质量大的巨大的       clumsy和ponderous互释    本例ponderous galleons大帆船迟缓笨重,又如she watched the cow's ponderous progress她看着牛迟缓地向前走着,如his steps were heavy and ponderous他的步伐沉重缓慢

cumbrous, cumbersome: imply heaviness and massive bulkiness that make a thing difficult to grasp, move, carry, or manipulate: abandoned the ~ furniture rather than move it(cumbrous); the old cameras were ~ and inconvenient(cumbersome).     bulkiness和massiveness同义,侧重于体积大   注意cumbrous拼写

heavy重: 指比其它同类物体的密度大体积大,weighty重,重要: 可指绝对相对沉重,或表重要,ponderous笨重迟缓: 表示笨重惯性大,cumbrous, cumbersome笨重: 表示重到难以抓拿移动运输控制

记忆方法: 1)首字母HWPC排序成WPHC物品好沉<==沉重         ""是会意字,古字体像一个人背驮着包裹状的东西。本义指"质量或密度大",后转义表示1、程度深,如严重重伤重视  2、不轻率,如郑重庄重稳重         ""古字形表示"投牛于水"用作祭祀,本义是"没入水中",如沉溺石沉大海;后引申为"",如沉重沉稳深沉沉甸甸

        2)沉重的意思是重量大mean having great weight.